How would your life change if there were no “positive” or “negative” emotions?
Seriously…what would that free up for you?
What if it was as simple as…”I’m experiencing an emotion” and..
“I’m feeling sensations on my body”.
With varying intensities.
Some sensations I prefer, some I don’t.
And what if it was as simple as just…
Feeling them.
Being with them.
Not suppressing them.
And then, to your surprise, and possibly delight….they pass.
No interpretation required.
It just IS what it IS. Period.
No labeling. No resisting. No avoiding.
It’s the labeling, resisting, avoiding that keeps you stuck.
Stuck in your head.
Trying everything you can to stop them.
To NOT feel them.
Staying distracted by trying to figure out why it’s coming up.
Then projecting & blaming other people for how you feel.
Changing my experience of emotions was a GAME CHANGER for me.
Especially in my relationship with Ian.
Here’s a secret to anyone who wants to experience freedom.
And experience peace and ease in their mind AND body.
Labeling an emotion/sensation in your body as “positive” or “negative” is an INTERPRETATION.
It is not truth.
It is not a fact.
It is also a TRAP.
Being with and experiencing what IS will create space.
It will create freedom.
It will create EASE.
Try it out for yourself and lmk what you FEEL.
You got this.