Last night’s group coaching session was FIRE!
Legit there was so much transformation, so many “aha’s and there was so much old, stuck energy released.
Like a weight had been lifted.
Gone into the abyss.
For good.
It was in its essence, a true taste and experience of inner freedom for the people who attended.
I personally love these coaching sessions because in one evening, you have the potential to completely shift and heal old, stuck energy patterns within yourself, so that you can create something new in your life.
Whether you want to create a new habit of consistent exercise, so that you are healthy for your kids as they grow up.
Or you want to release old shames & traumas from the past so you aren’t constantly gripped by the physical hold of anxiety that keeps you reactive in your relationships.
Or you simply want to grow your business and be more successful so you feel certain that when you set your mind on a goal, you actually achieve it.
And what’s cool about all of these desires….is that there is a very simple formula to achieve ALL OF them.
Because the formula is based on SOUND principles and guidelines that stand the test of time.
And it all involves your way of BEING.
and your change doesn’t have to be HARD
your change doesn’t have to be PAINFUL,
it can actually be quite simple,
and occur naturally with ease,
once you understand and integrate a few key principles in your life,
THEN, then you will be able to look at your entire life in a completely new way,
you will see your partner differently,
you will see your kids differently,
you will see your friends differently,
and most importantly, YOU will be different.
You will actually be more of YOU. All of you. Unapologetic.
With complete trust and an inner knowingness,
That you are exactly where you are meant to be.
Right here. Right now.
To make a significant difference in the results you get in your life,
requires you to honestly examine who you are being NOW,
this includes how you feel on a day to day basis,
what thought loops you get stuck in,
and of course the actions you take,
this can be confronting, especially because you have likely been operating a particular way for YEARS…. in fact we all have.
MOST, if not the majority of the time we are on “autopilot”
we think the same things,
we feel the same emotions,
we take the same actions,
which creates the same outcome over and over again.
so to step into that next level version of you,
requires you to BE somebody different,
To step out of “auto pilot”
And into Intentionality.
and as you begin to make this change,
you will notice it may become quite uncomfortable.
Why is this you ask?
Well, it’s NEW and your mind prefers the SAME.
Because the same is “safe”.
Or at least it appears that way.
The truth is that safety is just an illusion anyway. But that’s another topic for another day.
The challenge with the same, is that well….IT GETS THE SAME RESULTS.
So….to get something new,
1. Get present to who you are being – your thoughts, emotions, conclusions and lens and which you view the world
2. Shift, heal and Clear your past programming so you have “space” to open up into someONE new. This can often be challenging to identify yourself, so having a coach is super helpful (in my experience!)
3. Learn how to dissolve your fears & doubts. This will keep you stuck to the PAST. And keep you playing in the “safety” of the SAME.
4. And Change up your routine. Do something different. Most importantly, follow the voice inside.
And do this on repeat.
And you will end up in a NEW place with NEW results, that will literally blow your mind.
One shift at a time.
If you would love to attend my next group coaching session to experience a transformational shift in your own life, my next session will be:
Tues May 30th @ 830 PM EST (TORONTO)
Wed May 31st @ 830 AM AWT ( PERTH)
To register:
Can’t wait to see you there,
Dr. S