Hey gorgeous,
Let’s talk about the elephant in the room.
The topic that until recently, no one ever wanted to talk about.
We kinda just pretended it didn’t even exist….
Even though it’s something that EVERYONE experiences, to some degree or another throughout their lives,
That creates cringe worthy sensations and feelings,
Gut clenching,
Heart racing,
That feeling like you might want to throw up….
And when you experience it, you just want to ball up and hide.
I’m talking about guilt and shame.
Now, why guilt and shame you ask?
It literally impacts your ability to show up authentically to live a Soul aligned life.
Just recently I was reminded of the book “The 5 Regrets of the Dying”
This was written by a woman who worked in a palliative care center for decades.
She had discovered that the 5 most common regrets of the dying were:
1. “I wish I had the courage to live a life true to myself”
2. “I wish I hadn’t worked so hard”
3. “I wish I had the courage to express my feelings”
4. “I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends”
5. “I wish I had let myself be happier”
Can you see where clearing your conscious or unconscious guilt and shame might come in handy here?
Having guilt in shame will DEFINITELY affect your actions,
How you show up in the world,
What you say,
Your ability to express your feelings,
Your courage to be who you truly are.
Having guilt and shame will also affect your ability to ask for what you want,
Say what you truly feel,
And actually go for what you truly desire…instead of settling for what you think you’re “worthy” of.
And this can impact every area of life….your business…your career, your money, your relationships and even your health.
Imagine this…
Who will ask for the income they truly desire and feel they are worthy of…
Someone who feels confident in who they are,
Or someone who is filled with guilt and shame?
The answer is obvious.
Who will be brave enough to ask the girl/guy out of their dreams?
Someone who is experiencing deep shame, or someone who is feeling at peace with who they are?
Again, obvious answer.
Clearing your conscious and unconscious guilt and shame also has tremendous benefits on your health…
Your cells will literally function with more ease.
(think of how you feel when your stressed, angry or scared…and how this impacts your thinking, breathing, digestion, elimination etc)
I remember back in 2019 when I was exposed to the idea of clearing the most shameful experiences I had.
It was terrifying to revisit those moments again.
However it ended up being the most liberating.
AND…in the end, it wasn’t as painful as I thought it would be.
It was in fact, a lot easier.
After the experience…
I felt lighter,
I felt full of love,
I felt complete,
I experienced this peace of mind I had never experienced before,
I also saw how I was compensating in my life to cover up my shame and guilt,
And here’s the wild thing…
After clearing the most shameful moments of my life,
My income tripled the next month.
And there was nothing I did different.
Now you might be thinking “well how do you know that clearing your guilt and shame had you make more money”.
The truth is, I don’t.
And to be honest…it didn’t really matter.
Having the peace of mind that I experienced was ultimately more important.
The money was just a bonus.
Since then, I have created a mission to find the most effective and efficient tools for clearing shame and guilt so that I could provide that experience for others….so they could feel as free as I did,
and show up and be their authentic selves,
feel peace of mind,
and know that they are love.
and THIS, has been one of the most rewarding experiences I have had to date.
When I work with someone who is so closed off,
So ashamed of who they are and what they did, or didn’t do…
And afterwards they are left feeling FREE,
Free to express who they are,
Free to ask for what they want,
And free to go for what they want.
THIS….is magic.
If you’re reading this, and thinking “hey I want to feel more free”
And then you think of all the things you wish you did or didn’t do,
and you feel shame or guilt…and like you want to hide,
don’t worry, you are in safe place,
you are safe to be you,
and when you are ready, I’m here for you
you got this,
you always did,
Dr. Shelby
P.S Want to dissolve your shame & guilt….for good?
Apply to work with me 1 on 1: https://www.drshelbyaitcheson.com/private-coaching-with-dr-shelby/
“You transformed 2 of the most painful moments of my life in 90 minutes” – Happy Client
“Because of you, I love my life. I wake up everyday feeling energised, inspired and ready to learn” – Happy Client