When was the last time that you just stopped, regardless of if everything was going good or not and just embodied your fun inner child and just played?
You know, the carefree, fearless inner you that is so relaxed, full of life, giggling, being silly, playing, learning, exploring and just having fun.
That one.
If you’re like me, you may have had a hard time playing and having fun when you perceive that there is a lot of work to do.
Or if there is a big problem running in the background.
And you may have perceived, just like I did,
That the only way to get to where you wanted to be and solve this problem was to…
Do more,
Be more,
Try harder,
And then eventually you may get what you want.
Or so you thought.
But it didn’t always turn out that way did it?
It didn’t for me at least.
What I’ve discovered is that this way of BEING is incredibly tiring, exhausting and plain out stressful.
Not fun, not joyous and is certainly not conducive for creativity and new opportunities.
What I’ve also learned is that this energy is incredibly challenging to our health and wellness, and overall vitality.
This way of BEING erodes relationships with those that are closest to us,
It’s a complete fun sponge.
And in most cases, repelling new and exciting adventures.
It may seem counterintuitive, however, when I discovered that by BEING and embodying a certain energy of playfulness, silliness, carefree and fun, literally got me CLOSER to what I wanted.
Not further.
And the rigid structure, continual planning and endless hustle, frantic energy just made it harder.
I’ve also noticed that in this playful energy, I tend to attract new opportunities that I hadn’t seen before in my stressed out state, and it was almost like I took off my rose coloured hard-working glasses, and saw a new reality.
A fun reality.
Even though this reality had LITERALLY been there the WHOLE time.
If your body is giving you feedback such as…
Fatigue, exhaustion, lack of motivation, & procrastination,
And you’re stuck in the heaviness of “I GOTTA WORK HARDER”…
Then I can help.
I’ve been there.
Or maybe you’re finding that your relationships are so challenging that you don’t even want to be in one.
Or you just feel resigned to life,
I can help.
My coaching will be unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before.
My coaching isn’t about the “strategy” or tools.
Although I will give you some 😉
It’s actually about changing your way of being…
Of Who you are…
And this doesn’t mean trying to be someone you’re not…
It actually is about removing all the old defense mechanisms, masks and habitual patterns that you picked up along the way…
in order to keep safe,
in order to fit in,
in order to be loved.
It’s about BEING the real you. Without the protective gear.
When you’re truly being who you are…
A Remembrance.
The full expression of who you are…
Asking for what you truly want,
Getting what you want, and boldly just BEING.
Bringing out the fun, creative and expressive side of you that you’ve likely locked up.
See when you change who you are BEING, instead of focusing on doing more,
A whole new world of opportunities opens up for you.
What’s cool is that in most cases, your health just naturally improves.
You have more energy.
You have a restful sleep, consistently.
You carry less tension, less baggage.
Your zest for life returns.
You are naturally motivated.
And you don’t procrastinate,
Because now you’re on purpose,
You have a purpose,
And you fear less pursuing your dreams.
Just by BEING more of you.
Not “doing”.
When you’re ready to become the True YOU,
The soul lead you,
The BOLD you,
Apply to work with me 1 on 1,
I’m ready for you,