One of the most profound yet simple ideas that I have been really embodying the last several months is Being with what IS.
Like ACTUALLY being with what is.
Not pretending to, but actually being with it, ALL of it.
And after experiencing the results, I cannot understate how important this concept is for the enjoyment of life and for more peace & ease of mind.
For so many years I have resisted what is, always forcing, trying to change what is, instead of actually just being with it.
This was in every area of life.
And included everything to how I felt, what I expected of myself, what I expected of other people in my interactions.
It was like trying to push sh*t uphill.
I was constantly in the energy of “trying”, “figuring it out”, and of course internal resistance & pressure to change.
Often we go through life trying to fix and change everything that is showing up in our current reality that we don’t like…
Whether it’s trying to change conflict in our intimate relationships, or with our children, being overweight, not sticking to our promised exercise habits, inability to stick with our expectations for business growth and so on and so forth.
What I’ve noticed with clients and of course myself is that as human beings we REALLY resist what is, especially if it challenges what is most important to us.
And this resistance to what is, actually just increases the intensity of the emotions and resistance that we feel.
Counterintuitive isn’t it?
Until we begin to embrace and see the hidden benefits of what is occurring, only then are we able to actually shift it.
Imagine that your reality of what you experience is like a mirror reflection of you.
Because in fact, it truly is.
Your reality and experience of life is literally a reflection of everything you think, believe and “know” to be true… the vast majority of which is hidden in your subconscious.
Said in another way…what you experience is a reflection of you…again your environment & experiences are just a mirror reflection and feedback of YOU.
So you might be wondering, well how the HE-double hockey stick do I change my reality?
Well, it’s quite simple, you change YOU.
On the inside.
And then your external reality shifts instantaneously as well.
Just like if you were to walk up to a mirror and smile, you notice a smile in the reflection of the mirror.
You might then ask, well HOW do I do this?
Well, what if, instead of going into the same thinking and emotional pattern every time a challenge arises…
What if you stopped…
Got present to what IS…
Took a breath…
Brought yourself to a state of internal balance…
And then began to ask yourself what you would need to believe in order for the challenge to exist, and to be true?
What if instead of REACTING, you began to get curious…
Curious as to what you are feeling/thinking/believing internally that is reflecting and providing feedback externally.
And then you took the next step and asked yourself the question…
How is this event or challenge FOR me?
How is this specific problem or challenge BENEFITING me now?
How will it benefit me in the future?
You may be surprised to hear the answer if you genuinely dig deep when you ask the questions.
In ALL challenges there are hidden benefits & blessings.
In ALL pleasurable times there are hidden drawbacks & negatives.
The key is to be able to see both sides…see it ALL!
Both the benefits and the drawbacks,
The pleasure and pain.
The support and challenge.
This is wisdom.
In this state, freedom, balance & equanimity exist.
It just IS.
And this is the space where you have CHOICE.
Instead of reacting to a one-sided perception of duality, you have the foresight to RESPOND.
To step out of the automatic reactions of your mind, that are essentially just programming from childhood & your past experiences.
AND what I have noticed within myself, and with clients is that…
As soon as you are able to BE with what is, when you stop resisting, avoiding, trying and changing, that is when you CAN actually change your circumstance.
If you currently have a problem or challenge that is persistent and you have a hard time finding the other side,
THIS is what I specialize in.
This is my expertise.
Dissolving & eliminating problems, and creating peace of mind so you can focus your attention and energy on what matters most to you.
This is what I am SO inspired to teach and share, as well (in my biased opinion) this is probably THE most transformational work you could ever do for yourself.
Because that has been my own experience, and those of many clients.
The most common feedback I get from clients are…
“What we did in just 1 coaching session, I was unable to do in 10 years of therapy”
“I have never met anyone that does what you do, I am mind blown”
“I have never felt so much peace and ease in my mind and body”
“Because of you, I love myself and my life again”
Imagine that instead of carrying all the emotional and mental baggage you have…
You feel free,
Free to be, and free to act. Free to express yourself and your desires.
You are no longer scared to go after what you truly want and desire because deep down you know and believe that it is a Soul aligned direction to take, and you TRUST that.
You trust yourself.
You trust life.
And that no matter what you face you are able to BE with what is.
This is what I can help you with.
So, if you’re one of the brave ones,
The one ready to raise your hand and CLAIM your dream life,
Ready to no longer settle for an average, dull and resigned life, soaked in mediocrity and unfulfillment,
And you are ready to upgrade in every area of your life,
And actually get the results you came for…
Let’s have a conversation, I’m ready for ya <3